Lessons in Chemistry…getting started…book review
Scientists in every bathroom
“…righteousness and peace have kissed each other…”
what a great idea!
a chick in hand…“Learning,” my poem
gently, gently…
“…the laughing of our years”…“All of you,” my poem
I walk with your steps
“…fill one’s life with meaning…”…The Chosen (quote)
Chaim Potok talks about hard work
“…you show good heart”…”empathic,” my poem
you lead the way
“…the new curve of the dune…”…”Amaze,” my poem
change in consequence of itself…
“…she fills my horizons…”…”moto perpetuo,” my poem
Life is good
“…a strange road and we’re learning…”…”Wonder,” my poem
we take new steps
philosophy is in the doing…
try doing some today