Gotta love the sauce…(my new poem)

Gotta love the sauce…(my new poem)

Really, you had to be there…

(my new poem)





Saucy streaks in brightened sky at dawn

frame enlightened trees on yonder sward.

The arching hues quickly pale

to common blues,

   and slide below still darkened earth,

      beneath the rim that hides

      the great star of day.


March 13, 2016

I was on the road, alone, early, heading downhill, cool in the morning, I was thinking about breakfast…a single break in the tree line offered one glimpse of the hot sauce smeared across the lightening skyline. I didn’t have to stop to make any notes for a new poem. I mentioned everything to my friend at breakfast. The vitality of it was still quivering in my mind when I wrote this little bit later that day. Call it a nature poem. Or call it a love poem, if you’re in love with beauty.


Book review: Cleopatra: A Life

…don’t even think about Gordon Gekko…

click here

My poetry. Copyright © Richard Carl Subber 2020 All rights reserved.


As with another eye: Poems of exactitude with 55 free verse and haiku poems,
and the rest of my poetry books are for sale on Amazon (paperback and Kindle)
and free in Kindle Unlimited, search Amazon for “Richard Carl Subber”

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