The snow, its vagrant hues…“Purely,” my poem
so white, so grey…
the kid is talking, listen up!…“Words,” my poem
he’s in full voice
at Duck Harbor Beach… “Sea quell,” my poem
immensity writ large
“whisper codas in the dark…”…“Singing,” my poem
words that find our joys
To Serve Them All My Days…movie review
how to live a decent life
just that moment…“Look at that,”…my poem
that red tree stopped me
The Rubayyat of Omar Khayyam…book review
…not my favorite classic…
“no excitement in the sky…”…“Scarcely day,” my poem
too soon for tomorrow
“…a cookie dawn…“Licking the bowl,” my poem
no cleanup required
“…the last little word…”…“ goût” my poem
it leaps from the quill