“…the journey is always different…”…(”Whither…” my poem)
“…in the second passage.”
“…the lean pilgrim…”—“Singleton,” my poem
Mr. Robin was too early…
“What the hangman hears” is more than words (poem)
“…the rope is so big…”
She’s trying to talk, just sayin’…
and singing is allowed
“Aurora,” a spark of dawn (poem)
“…but has no style…and scarcely bright…”
“Love has a name,” a ruby future (poem)
a lonely rose, barely hot tears…
“…the frosted flowing stream…” (“The water way,” poem)
…defies the glaze of winter
nose against the glass…”Life lesson,” my poem
why do we unlearn the joy of it?
Grooming, Gossip, and the Evolution of Language (book review)
Robin Dunbar explains his number
Golden Tales of New England (book review)
Some feel-good stories of the 19th century…