Cave of Bones…Homo naledi…book review
there were more of us…
To Serve Them All My Days…movie review
how to live a decent life
She, a great lady…book review
H. Rider Haggard’s African queen
The Woman at the Washington Zoo…book review
Marjorie Williams, straight from the heart
Norma Rae…movie review
big hearts, gushing emotion
“A man’s job”…a Christmas poem
a boy with his father’s axe…
“…thinking about the wrong future…”…“Think again,” my poem
squeeze joy into your eyes
Dangerous Liaisons…not a delight (movie review)
a masquerade of amour
“…she doesn’t see the sidewalk…”… “Taking a walk,” my poem
She’s learning what to do…
Darkest Hour…Gary Oldman is Churchill
the war in 1940…movie review