The Breakfast Club…movie review
telling truth to friends
The Book of Days…part xxxxv
nature poems about the dawn’s early light…
The Bridges of Madison County…book/movie review
If you’re looking for highly stoked eroticism, look elsewhere.
dies spei, “wish a longer day”…my poem
try hope first
Mayflower: A Story of Courage, Community, and War…book review
the Pilgrims weren’t happy, says Nathaniel Philbrick
“…the courage to continue…”…Winston Churchill quote
“keep buggering on”
“…another step to futures…”…“Look up,” my poem
the clouds have their own time
The Gifts of Imperfection…book review
what it is, who you be…Dr. Brené Brown
“Dear blue sky…”…my poem
time for looking up
“Life is wide.”
The wisdom of Ivan Doig