Book review: Shakespeare’s Wife

Book review: Shakespeare’s Wife

It’s not really

   about Ann Hathaway…



Book review:

Shakespeare’s Wife


by Germaine Greer, HarperCollinsPublishers, New York, 2007

406 pages


This is scholarly nonfiction that is not to my taste.

I respect Greer’s effort to vivify Ann Hathaway, the wife of William Shakespeare.

I do think she went overboard a bit.

Shakespeare’s Wife is longish, considering that lots of the details of Ann’s life aren’t well documented or remain obscure.

For my taste, too much of this work is carefully contingent or unselfconsciously speculative. The specification of what we don’t really know is perhaps more interesting to a scholar embracing esoterica than it is to a lay reader like me.

Moreover, Greer’s text is chock-a-block with statements and implications that Shakespeare wrote about his wife and his private life in his plays and sonnets. Maybe he did. Maybe he didn’t.

Much of this tirelessly researched and documented book isn’t really about Ann Hathaway. Greer conspicuously offers detail about people she knew and didn’t know, in Stratford and elsewhere, and about circumstances of life, commerce and the arts in the 16th century in the middle of England.

So, here’s what I learned: Shakespeare may or may not have loved his wife.

Ditto for Ann’s relationship with Bill. I don’t need to read this book again.


p.s. the image in this post is not Shakespeare’s wife, no one knows what she looked like…

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Book review. Copyright © Richard Carl Subber 2017 All rights reserved.

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Book review: The Sea Runners

Book review: The Sea Runners

…a relentlessly obvious story…



Book review:

The Sea Runners


by Ivan Doig (1939-2015)

Penguin Books, New York, 1983

279 pages


I want to be fair. This is a novel about everything dogged: determination, courage, loyalty, imagination, strength, stubbornness.

I’m bound to say there’s little excitement in Doig’s first novel. You’d think that death-defying action would add a little bunny-hop to one’s pulse, but think again. There is a relentless context that animates the characters in The Sea Runners, and swaddles all the environmental features of this story of men against the sea. It’s based on an actual event in the northern Pacific Ocean in the middle of the 19th century, so you know how it turns out.

Four Swedes escaped from a Russian work camp and paddled in a stolen canoe for a couple months on the open ocean to reach the American port of Astoria in Oregon. The story is more interesting than that simple summary, but, alas, it merely informs…it does not soar.

I thought of myself as an Ivan Doig fan when I began reading The Sea Runners, and now I understand that I must be specific: I like This House of Sky and I like The Bartender’s Tale, and such.

The emerald clarity of Doig’s stories about the West is a world apart from the drudging redundancy of this book. The character development is relentlessly obvious. Sea Runners is narrow and repetitive. Doig doesn’t resist running his characters through the same paces, over and over again.

The Sea Runners isn’t a bad story. The determination, courage, loyalty, imagination, strength and stubbornness are in plain view, there’s never any doubt about that.

There’s no doubt about just about everything in this story.

Nevertheless, Ivan, I love ya, man. I love some of your stories.

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Book review. Copyright © Richard Carl Subber 2017 All rights reserved.


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O. Henry’s “The Gift of the Magi”

O. Henry’s “The Gift of the Magi”

…achingly real characters,

                and such love…


”And here I have lamely related to you

the uneventful chronicle

     of two foolish children in a flat

who most unwisely sacrificed for each other

     the greatest treasures of their house.”


from “The Gift of the Magi” in The Four Million

by O. Henry (William Sydney Porter [1862-1910])

Published April 1906


Probably you’re an O. Henry fan, you know the whole story of Della and Jim, the two foolish children who sold a beloved gold pocket watch and an entrancing fall of brown hair to buy innocently painful Christmas gifts for each other…even if you’re not an O. Henry fan, I’ll bet you know the story.

Who doesn’t know the story?

“The Gift of the Magi” is a signature O. Henry piece, with achingly real characters slip-sliding through lives shackled by just a touch too much hardship and garlanded with magnificently understated and oh-so-richly-expressed love, such love as never recedes or withers….

Mr. and Mrs. James Dillingham Young unselfconsciously give a master class in young love. You want to be one of them despite their shabby flat and the narrow strictures of a tiny income and the endless prospect of a lesser cut of chops frying in the pan on the back of the tiny stove. The single-minded devotion—their profound and profligate endearment—of Jim and Della illuminates the power of O. Henry’s prose, and the delicacy of his imagination.

William Sydney Porter (1862-1910) used his pen name, O. Henry, for his published work. “The Gift of the Magi” was part of The Four Million, his second short story collection, when it appeared  more than 115 years ago. He wrote nearly 300 stories.

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Book review. Copyright © Richard Carl Subber 2017 All rights reserved.


Book review:

American Scripture:

Making the Declaration of Independence

…basically, it’s trash talk to King George

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Book review: American Scripture: Making the Declaration of Independence

Book review: American Scripture: Making the Declaration of Independence

Basically, it’s trash talk

         to King George



Book review:

American Scripture:

Making the

Declaration of Independence


by Dr. Pauline Maier (1938-2013)

New York: Vintage Books, A Division of Random House Inc., 1998.


The Declaration of Independence was a re-write…

and it didn’t start the Revolution.

My quick review of what we know about the Declaration, courtesy of Prof. Pauline Maier: basically, it’s trash talk to King George III.

American Scripture exposes the backstory of the Declaration. Yes, Thomas Jefferson wrote the draft in his stuffy room in Philadelphia, but the final document is the work of many hands. The Second Continental Congress substantially reworked Jefferson’s draft. The Declaration didn’t “start” the American Revolution. It wasn’t the “kickoff” event. It was more like a final formality to officially authorize the colonial rebellion that had been evolving for years—and had been a shooting war for more than a year.

A procedural point that’s interesting to me: much of the stirring prose in the Declaration had already been written in various forms by Jefferson and others in the multitude of documents approved locally throughout the colonies, expressing the colonials’ increasing frustration with the failure of their efforts to negotiate a suitable accommodation with the King and his ministers and Parliament. Until the shooting started, there was persistent strong support throughout the colonies for remaining within the empire as long as American self-government could be sustained.

Finally, there is Maier’s take on the Declaration as a late blooming “American Scripture.” She documents, and challenges, the 19th century politicians’ cumulative (and heedlessly incorrect) re-interpretation of the Declaration as a statement of governing principles and a blueprint for American political values and American democracy. Maier also makes a plain case that the Declaration was intended only to demonstrate why, finally, the colonial disdain of King George had made American rebellion necessary and unavoidable.


Here is one note for the serious reader: Chapter 4 incongruously seems to stray into anecdotal commentary on various interpretations by Abraham Lincoln and others. I understand the imputed relevance, but this section of American Scripture seemed to be casually written and insufficiently edited.

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Book review. Copyright © Richard Carl Subber 2017 All rights reserved.

A poet is a “maker”

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Book review: Shantung Compound

They didn’t care much

        about each other…

by Langdon Gilkey

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Thoughtful book reviews by Rick Subber

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The “dime novels” popular in the Civil War

The “dime novels” popular in the Civil War


                for only 10 cents


There were “westerns” before John Wayne put his mark on them.

The men in blue and gray in the Civil War—the ones who could read, and the ones who had buddies who could read—were avid fans of the dime novel.

New printing technologies in 1860 made it possible to churn out an endless succession of the cheap (10 cents, hence “dime novel”) so-called “blood-and-thunder” stories, often about heroes of the American West like Kit Carson.

These dime novels in the mid-19th century were the “westerns” before Hollywood invented the movie genre of the same name in the early 20th century.

The flood of cheap books was unleashed by improvements in the steam printing press and stereotype plates—these were the cast metal plates that used a reversed image of a full page on the press. The resulting increase in productivity and cost reduction permitted publishers to do huge press runs of the formula “western” novels that were written by assembly lines of writers. Some of the more respectable authors cranked out a new book every three months. Some of the hacks claimed to be able to produce a brand new novel in 24 hours. As you might guess, originality and quality weren’t the high priority standards of excellence.

Jill Lepore, in The Story of America: Essays on Origins, notes: “Blood-and-thunders were ‘sent to the army in the field by cords, like unsawed firewood,’ one contemporary reported. After the war, dime novel westerns cultivated a vast, largely Eastern, and altogether male audience: they were the first mass market fiction sold to men and boys.”(1)

Dime novel readers who weren’t Kit Carson (1809-1868) fans must have been a rare breed. Between 1860 and 1900, the American frontiersman was the hero of more than seven of the popular books.


(1) Jill Lepore, The Story of America: Essays on Origins (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2012), 212, 217.

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Book review. Copyright © Richard Carl Subber 2017 All rights reserved.

Up for the counting

…he picks up the rhythm…(a poem)


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