“…she never looks up…”   “facta,” my poem

“…she never looks up…”   “facta,” my poem

teasing for recognition





She has a plan.


The cotton balls are vital,

she keeps a handy supply of

    cardboard and colored paper.

tape is essential,

tape is the key

   to all exactness in the doing,

speed is not exactly the entire reality

   but deliberate haste is her style,

she builds with mute devotion to the outcome,

identity is not so needful

   as function and connection,

her creatures are elegant monstrosities,

her temples are sturdy elaborations of design

   and form that find barely imagined boundaries,

her hybrids tease for recognition

   in their own dimensions,

her work is her success, her doing, her design.


She’s busy, she never looks up…


July 21, 2019


If you have good stuff, you can make anything.

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My poetry. Copyright © Richard Carl Subber 2024 All rights reserved.


For All the Tea in China (book review)

Sarah Rose brews the whole ugly story

click here

Seeing far: Selected poems with 47 free verse and haiku poems,
and the rest of my poetry books are for sale on Amazon (paperback and Kindle)
and free in Kindle Unlimited, search Amazon for “Richard Carl Subber”


Your comments are welcome—tell me what you’re thinking.

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