The Book of Days…part xxxxii

The Book of Days…part xxxxii

The Book of Days


The dawn’s early light can be pleasure enough for the whole day.

There are words enough to tell the story of “the temptation of day to come.”

It is my delight to write some of them for your delectation.



the marks


The lunar crescent

   shines through the vault,

their playground…


the advent of day

   chases away

      the faint marks

         of the footsteps of the gods.


March 4, 2024

we never see them hootin’ and hollerin’…

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My poetry. Copyright © Richard Carl Subber 2024 All rights reserved.


The Wind and the Lion (1975)

heroic, the way it was…(movie review)

click here

Seeing far: Selected poems with 47 free verse and haiku poems,
and the rest of my poetry books are for sale on Amazon (paperback and Kindle)
and free in Kindle Unlimited, search Amazon for “Richard Carl Subber”


Your comments are welcome—tell me what you’re thinking.

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