Book review: The American Revolution: A History

Book review: The American Revolution: A History

“…the aggregate interests

     of the community…”  Huh?



Book review:

The American Revolution:

A History


by Gordon S. Wood, New York: A Modern Library Chronicles Book/The Modern Library, c2002 repr. 2003

190 pages     


American Revolution is well worth a read, especially if you think the average bear knows less than you know about the Revolutionary period.

For example, Wood suggests that the strong federal Constitution adopted in 1788 was a direct consequence of the “factious and tyrannical” majorities of voters who, in the 1780s, filled their bumbling, politicized state legislatures with ambitious local spokesmen for special interests. The framers of the Constitution saw a chaos of “elective despotism,” with “a spirit of locality” destroying “the aggregate interests of the community.”

That problem hasn’t been solved yet.

I’m going to keep reading more of Gordon Wood’s books, and I guess I’m going to get used to telling myself to keep reading each of them every time I get to a place that makes me think I want to stop.

For me, I think it’s mostly an issue of Wood’s style and not his acumen, knowledge, or scholarship. He slips occasionally into what I guess I’ll call his casual mode, using somewhat colloquial language, simplified (I resist saying simplistic) characterizations, and dismissive descriptions. Wood’s editor needs a couple wake-up calls, I think.

It’s such a relief to get past those clunky segments. For example, in discussing the religious and cultural milieu of the post-war period, Wood refers repeatedly to the “common people” with no clear definition of the folks he’s discussing. I’m getting over it…

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Book review. Copyright © Richard Carl Subber 2017 All rights reserved.


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Book review: Ethan Frome

not being satisfied with less…

by Edith Wharton

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Book review: To Serve Them All My Days

Book review: To Serve Them All My Days

No spoiler alert needed…



Book review:

To Serve Them All My Days


by R. F. Delderfield

Washington Square Press, Pocket Books, New York, 1973

678 pages


Delderfield simply uses an utterly familiar plot line in To Serve Them All My Days: a Welsh coal miner’s son survives World War I, and becomes a teacher at a boys’ school in England south of Wales, and grows in his role to become the beloved headmaster. Everyone calls him “Pow-Wow,” with love and respect.

However, much of the tale is an unfamiliarly rich creation of manifestly human characters who deal with the slings and arrows of life, and make the best of their world to give willing, deserving boys a good education and a glimpse of how to live a decent life.

The dialogue is above average in many places. Delderfield is a determined master of exploring the minds of his key players. There is enough reflection and imagination and longing and joy/despair for any discerning reader.

No spoiler alert is needed here. You can’t possibly be in doubt about how the story ends.

With Delderfield, getting there is the point of the journey.

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Book review. Copyright © Richard Carl Subber 2017 All rights reserved.

Book review: The Bridges of Madison County

If you’re looking for

highly stoked eroticism

and high-rolling lives

that throw off sparks when they touch,

look elsewhere.

by Robert Waller

click here

In other words: Poems for your eyes and ears with 64 free verse and haiku poems,
and the rest of my poetry books are for sale on Amazon (paperback and Kindle)
and free in Kindle Unlimited, search Amazon for “Richard Carl Subber”

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Book review: The Reader (Der Vorleser)

Book review: The Reader (Der Vorleser)

Book review:

The Reader (Der Vorleser)


by Bernhard Schlink (b. 1944) (translated by Carol Brown Janeway)

218 pages


You might say “Why bother re-hashing the Nazi atrocities and ‘the final solution’ of World War II?”

Here’s one reason: it’s not satisfactory to say, simply, “never again.”

Here’s another reason: Bernhard Schlink has created a noble and compelling illumination of one aspect of the horrific, barely imaginable realities of the second great war: the mindset of the good people of Germany who allowed Hitler and the Nazis to take power and do their evil, and the confusion of younger Germans who came of age afterward.

The Reader offers some insight into a tiny slice of the German mindset, with an abbreviated biography of Hanna Schmitz. Her life is the personification of pathos. She is fiercely self-sufficient, but she is a puppet of the Nazi regime. She passionately savors literature, but she is illiterate. She is instinctively kind and generous, but she can admit without remorse that, as an SS concentration camp guard, she allowed several hundred women to burn to death in a church.

Michael Berg, an unworldly teenager, is the reader in Schlink’s telling. Hanna entices him to read good books to her, long before he realizes that she cannot read or write. Michael’s relationship with Hanna metamorphoses in fantastic and soul-destroying ways. He struggles with his growing awareness that he has been seared, tainted, and transformed by his consuming involvement with her.

Ultimately, at Hanna’s war crimes trial, Michael stares into the abyss: he explores her guilt, his feelings about intervening to mitigate her sentence, the ineffable mystery of who should share guilt for the war horrors: “…that some few would be convicted and punished while we of the second generation were silenced by revulsion, shame, and guilt….”

Michael reflects on his irresolvable dilemma: “When I tried to understand [Hanna’s crime], I had the feeling I was failing to condemn it as it must be condemned. When I condemned it as it must be condemned, there was no room for understanding.”

Michael works at his own expiation. He sends recorded books on tape to Hanna while she is in prison.

Finally, he learns that his effort was too self-protective, too little, too late to do the right thing.

I think that’s the reality Schlink had in mind.

 *   *   *   *   *   *

Book review. Copyright © Richard Carl Subber 2017 All rights reserved.

Above all: Poems of dawn and more with 73 free verse poems,
and the rest of my poetry books are for sale on Amazon (paperback and Kindle)
and free in Kindle Unlimited, search Amazon for “Richard Carl Subber”

Book review: Shantung Compound

They didn’t care much about each other…

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Book review: The Bridges of Madison County

Book review: The Bridges of Madison County

Book review:

The Bridges of Madison County


by Robert James Waller (1939-2017)

New York: Warner Books Inc., 1992

171 pages


The Bridges of Madison County was notably popular when it was a new book. However, I’m aware that not everyone is a fan.

If you’re looking for highly stoked eroticism and high-rolling lives that throw off sparks when they touch, look elsewhere.

Frankly, for lots of tastes, here’s good advice: look elsewhere no matter what you’re looking for.

For me, Bridges documents the chance intersection of the putatively unremarkable lives of Francesca and Robert with all the heat and dazzle of slow-moving lava, without its destructive power. They come together, they permit each other to nourish their beautiful personae, and they generate a passion that consumes without burning.

Francesca and Robert come together too late in their lives, after unbreakable commitments have been made to other cherished persons who, regrettably, are not like themselves.

I am drawn to the unsounded depths of their love and their absolute, cascading, undeniable recognition of each other as the unforgettable objects of their burgeoning desire.

They understand that they must be content with the short lifetime of their dalliance. They honor their love by deeply understanding its nature, and by accepting the permanent separation that their unyielding integrity requires.

Robert whispers to Francesca: “…this kind of certainty comes only once…”

The Bridges of Madison County is a love song, a courtship, a delicate primer on yearning, a too brief opportunity to know how it feels to be in love like that.

Do yourself a favor, and give it a try.

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  A poet is a “maker”

…and it doesn’t have to rhyme…

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Book review. Copyright © Richard Carl Subber 2017 All rights reserved.

As with another eye: Poems of exactitude with 55 free verse and haiku poems,
and the rest of my poetry books are for sale on Amazon (paperback and Kindle)
and free in Kindle Unlimited, search Amazon for “Richard Carl Subber”


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Book review: American Colonies

Book review: American Colonies

England was playing catch-up

with the Mayflower folks…



Book review:

American Colonies:

The Settling of North  America, Vol. 1


by Alan Taylor

New York: Penguin Books, 2002


The Pilgrims and the founders of Plymouth Colony came late in the world-changing game of European invasion of the Americas.

The Portuguese, Spanish, and French preceded the English in exploring, settling, and exploiting North America, South America, and the Caribbean islands.

The plain fact is that English colonists were late arrivals because England had been preoccupied with European conflicts, and because England wasn’t sufficiently powerful to manage imperial strategies on both sides of the Atlantic before the 17th century brought new fears and new opportunities to the court of King James I.

This is a historian’s book.

I think American Colonies will not tempt a casual reader. It’s not so much that a reader needs detailed historical knowledge to enjoy and learn from American Colonies. Rather, a significant interest in the origins and context of colonial history in the Americas will allow a reader to broaden and deepen her knowledge and appreciation of the evolution of European intrusion on two continents that sustained tens of millions of indigenous inhabitants whose cultures were as ancient as those in Europe, and notably successful.

The brutal reality is that the invading Europeans killed most of the native peoples and displaced the survivors with despicable disdain and carelessly criminal violence.

Alan Taylor is a dispassionate, concise, notably well-informed historian who has organized this book to prepare the student of history for more study and more understanding of how we came to be the inheritors of the American experiences.

Taylor doesn’t waste any time with polemics against our predecessors who committed murders and did so many other evil things in establishing new settlements in the Americas. He doesn’t hide any of the horrors.

We have so much to learn about our past. This book importantly informs our quest.

*   *   *   *   *   *

Book review. Copyright © Richard Carl Subber 2017 All rights reserved.

As with another eye: Poems of exactitude with 55 free verse and haiku poems,
and the rest of my poetry books are for sale on Amazon (paperback and Kindle)
and free in Kindle Unlimited, search Amazon for “Richard Carl Subber”

On this website you can read: my poetry in free verse and 5-7-5 haiku format—nature poems, love poems, poems about grandchildren, and a spectrum of other topics—written in a way that makes it possible for you to know, as precisely as possible, what’s going on in my mind and in my imagination; thoughtful book reviews that offer some exceptional critique of the book instead of a simple book summary; examinations of history that did and didn’t happen; examples of my love affair with words; reflections on the quotations, art, and wisdom of famous and not-so-famous people, and occasional comments on politics and human nature.

Your comments on my poems, book reviews and other posts are welcome.

Book review: Waterloo

The slightly Hollywood bravery

        of Richard Sharpe,

the butcher’s work done at the battle…

by Bernard Cornwell

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Book review: Shantung Compound

Book review: Shantung Compound

They didn’t

     “rise to the occasion”…



Book review:

Shantung Compound:

The Story of Men and Women

   Under Pressure


by Langdon B. Gilkey (1919-2004)

Harper & Row, New York, 1966

242 pages


This is the most provocative book I’ve read in my adult life. 

It powerfully evokes a very civilized despair for the human social condition. It tells us that the Western notion of the social contract is a wistful, romantic notion. I think I said that in a nice way. Shantung Compound was a blunt, clarifying, transformative read for me. 

In Gilkey’s words, “This book is about the life of a civilian internment camp in North China during the war against Japan . . . Because internment-camp life seems to reveal more clearly than does ordinary experience the anatomy of man’s common social and moral problems and the bases of human communal existence, this book finally has been written.”

Gilkey was a 24-year-old American teacher in a Chinese university when World War II commenced. He and about 2,000 others, men, women, and children, mostly Europeans including academics, clergy and businessmen, were imprisoned for more than two years in relatively benign conditions in the Weihsien camp near Shantung. Their Japanese captors provided the bare minimum of food and coal, and told the inmates to run the camp inside the walls.

POW camp pixabay

Shantung Compound is Gilkey’s account of the endlessly frustrated attempts, by various camp leaders and elected committees and a few charismatic individuals, to enforce a fair allocation of the smallish rooms and dorm beds, to get everyone to do a fair share of work, to prevent stealing, to settle social disputes, to provide for the exceptional needs of the elderly, the frail, the young kids, the nursing mothers…

The overwhelming truth is that, facing the prospective dangers and daily extremities of camp life, nearly all of the internees didn’t “rise to the occasion” to protect the weak and to cooperate rationally for their own good and the common good.

Instead, this is what nearly all of the internees—most of them white, educated, Western—tended to do most of the time: they conspicuously looked out for themselves and their families, declined to do more than a modicum of work, refused to give up some of their “equal” share of food and housing to needier fellow inmates, shied away from volunteer leadership, declined to share the contents of relief parcels sent by their “own” governments, stole food and supplies whenever possible, refused to punish the egregious wrongdoers among them, and rationalized most of their uncharitable, uncooperative, and uncivil behavior in complex variations of religious and humanist moralities…

Mind you, this wasn’t humanity in a state of nature. There wasn’t any “. . . Nature, red in tooth and claw” stuff. The Japanese guards remained aloof from the prisoners’ largely autonomous camp administration, and the guards permitted black market trading with villagers outside the camp. The internees lived in dismal but not life-threatening conditions. They lived peaceably, often manifesting their shortcomings in a nominally genteel way. In a perverted sense, they were in a protected environment, and really didn’t worry much about anything except surviving in a tolerably impoverished condition as part of a generally homogeneous group.

They could have lived an Enlightenment fantasy in Shantung Compound. They could have established a coherent community with orderly cooperation, consensual leadership, and rational allocation of food, housing and civic niceties to appropriately satisfy the disparate needs of all.

But they didn’t.

Here endeth the lesson for today.

In 1990 Gilkey was interviewed by Joe Bessler-Northcutt for an article in the American Journal of Theology & Philosophy (2007, Vol 28, No. 1). Gilkey said: “…it began to dawn on me that our political problems…were really moral problems. I wasn’t right that there were only material problems and organizational problems—learning how to cook and organizing the kitchen and so forth—but that a community has a lot of other things going on. And that it was the moral, insofar as there was any reflection there, that holds the community together. You have got to have supplies, you have got to have organization, that I knew very well. But you have also got to have some kind of moral structure to the community or the supplies, and the organization are not going to get you anywhere. Now that’s the main theme of the book.”

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Book review. Copyright © Richard Carl Subber 2017 All rights reserved.


Book review: Lord of the Flies

Never more relevant…

by William Golding

click here


As with another eye: Poems of exactitude with 55 free verse and haiku poems,
and the rest of my poetry books are for sale on Amazon (paperback and Kindle)
and free in Kindle Unlimited, search Amazon for “Richard Carl Subber”

Your comments are welcome—tell me what you’re thinking.


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