in Neander time





She walked each day

   beneath the great above,

she had no word for it,

she had no need for a sound

   to name what everyone saw,

from time to time she looked up,

this woman who searched for berries

   and drew water from the Neander,

she saw the high colors, the nomad clouds,

the bright specks in the night,

she knew the certain track

   of the star of day,

all beyond her reach, beyond her ken,

she knew their home was in the great above,

she had no reverent word for it,

she reached for another berry,

without thinking, she looked up…


June 8, 2024

it’s been there for a long time…

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My poetry. Copyright © Richard Carl Subber 2024 All rights reserved.


Book review: The Map of Knowledge

a slo-mo version of Fahrenheit 451

by Violet Moller

click here

Seeing far: Selected poems with 47 free verse and haiku poems,
and the rest of my poetry books are for sale on Amazon (paperback and Kindle)
and free in Kindle Unlimited, search Amazon for “Richard Carl Subber”


Your comments are welcome—tell me what you’re thinking.

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© 2024, Richard Subber. All rights reserved.

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