my final future



now then…


The unknowable future

   has been around for a long time,

it is,

it will be,

the mystery is what, not if.


I realize new truths.

I’m closer to my future

   than I used to be,

I’m closer to my final future.

I think more about tomorrow,

I think more about today.


Sweet futures can become sweet nows,

the nows I can know.

I can choose my next now,

I do not know tomorrow’s future,

I will live it in good time.


May 11, 2024

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My poetry. Copyright © Richard Carl Subber 2024 All rights reserved.


“…a merely decent human being.”

May Sarton, on the lookout…(quote)

click here

As with another eye: Poems of exactitude with 55 free verse and haiku poems,
and the rest of my poetry books are for sale on Amazon (paperback and Kindle)
and free in Kindle Unlimited, search Amazon for “Richard Carl Subber”


Your comments are welcome—tell me what you’re thinking.

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© 2024, Richard Subber. All rights reserved.

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