Conspiracy…movie review

Conspiracy…movie review

…a perfection of evil…



Movie review:



The Wannsee Conference in Hitler’s Germany, January 1942

Starring Kenneth Branagh, Stanley Tucci, Colin Firth (2001)


Here’s the short version: watching Conspiracy is like drinking molten lead.

Conspiracy is an almost flawless portrayal of naked evil being done by powerful men, each of whom has lost or abandoned his moral compass.

It is dry, withering, completely transparent, all too believable—not merely because we know it’s all true. We know that there are powerful men and women alive today who are willing to do blasphemously wrong things like killing 6 million Jews.

Conspiracy dramatizes the Wannsee Conference that first officially articulated the Final Solution for the Jews of Europe: the Holocaust.

Stanley Tucci as SS Major Adolph Eichmann, Kenneth Branagh as Hitler’s Chief of Security Reinhard Heydrich, Colin Firth as Dr. Wilhelm Stuckart (a lawyer who wrote the racist Nuremberg Laws), and 12 others show how it was probably done—almost without passion—around a long conference table in a manor house outside Berlin. One of the participants failed to destroy his copy of the minutes. This surviving document was used in the post-WWII Nuremberg Trials.

Conspiracy is frightening, horrifying, and disgusting. It is a perfection of the evil that men can do.


The antidote for watching it is simple: do a good thing every day.

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Movie review. Copyright © Richard Carl Subber 2023 All rights reserved.


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