Book review: Cold Mountain

Book review: Cold Mountain

He writes prose like a poet…



Book review:

Cold Mountain


by Charles Frazier (b1950)

New York: Atlantic Monthly Press, 1997

356 pages

Winner of the U. S. National Book Award for Fiction


Cold Mountain is Frazier’s first novel. I expect that any writer who has read it has murmured many, many times: “I wish I’d written that.”

Most likely you know the plot of this abundantly appealing love story of the American Civil War: a narrative of a resilient, ingenuous maid with a poetic willingness to live a full life, and an honest, humane Confederate soldier who doggedly treks the length of North Carolina to get home to her. Both Ada and Inman touch and walk through a world that is richly colored and flamboyantly populated by Frazier’s imagination, and by his peerless command of the right words.

Cold Mountain reaches quite deep into the reader’s mind and heart. Frazier’s prose invites participation. I realized, near the end, that I was not reading the book. I experienced the book. It is a rare treat for a book lover.

Frazier’s vocabulary is abundant and provocative. For my taste, the characters of Veasey and Stobrod are elaborated just a bit too much, and I wouldn’t have minded knowing a bit more of Ruby’s innocent, boundless wisdom.

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Book review. Copyright © Richard Carl Subber 2019 All rights reserved.


Book review: The Cradle Place

by Thomas Lux

poems wrapped in a wet rag…

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In other words: Poems for your eyes and ears with 64 free verse and haiku poems,
and the rest of my poetry books are for sale on Amazon (paperback and Kindle)
and free in Kindle Unlimited, search Amazon for “Richard Carl Subber”


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Book review: These Truths: A History of the United States

Book review: These Truths: A History of the United States

We don’t know

     how it’s going to turn out…



Book review:

These Truths:

    A History of the United States


by Jill Lepore

New York: W. W. Norton & Company, 2018

932 pages, including fabulous extended note, bibliography, index



Jill Lepore makes it easy to read authoritative accounts of our history as a nation. She is already a venerable historian.

These Truths offers two things that I crave when I’m reading/learning history: context, and a penetrating commitment to seek truth in terms of what they were thinking and what they knew way back when.

One of the thrilling and challenging realities of studying history is this humdinger: pick your time in history, and you can say “They didn’t know how it would turn out.”

Barely weeks away from the November 1864 presidential election, Abraham Lincoln expected that he would lose his bid to stay in office.

Hannibal didn’t know what the other side of the Alps looked like, and didn’t know what he would find there, if he made it across.

Eli Whitney was tinkering in the shop in 1793, watching a cat trying to pull a chicken through a fence, when he invented the cotton gin—he didn’t know that the machine would make slave-based cotton agriculture a booming industry in the 19th century before the American Civil War.

Lepore puts a lot of history into These Truths. Her scholarship and her insights make it obvious that every reader has a lot to learn.

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Book review. Copyright © Richard Carl Subber 2018 All rights reserved.


Book review: Shawshank Redemption

A world I do not want to know…

by Stephen King

click here

Seeing far: Selected poems with 47 free verse and haiku poems,
and the rest of my poetry books are for sale on Amazon (paperback and Kindle)
and free in Kindle Unlimited, search Amazon for “Richard Carl Subber”

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Oops, Columbus didn’t “discover” America

Oops, Columbus didn’t “discover” America

America was already

    an “old world”…



Yesterday was the 526th anniversary of the “discovery” of “the New World” by Christopher Columbus.

Columbus and his men made landfall in the Bahamas, possibly on what is now called San Salvador Island, on October 12, 1492. You may know the song: “the Nina, the Pinta, the Santa Maria, were sailing vessels three…”

Let’s cut to the chase: Columbus never “discovered” America. He never saw the North American continent, much less set foot on it. Columbus made four voyages across the Atlantic Ocean and did a lot of snooping around the Caribbean islands and the northern coast of South America.

An adventurer named Juan Ponce de León gets the teddy bear for being the first European to wade ashore on the coastline of what is now the continental United States. He explored the coast of a land mass that he named “Florida” more than 20 years after the first Columbus gig—on April 2, 1513, de León and his men landed (possibly at the place we now call St. Augustine) and claimed the territory for Spain.

Of course, the Europeans were late to the party.

Millions of native Americans—probably tens of millions—had been living on the North American continent for thousands of years before the smelly, hairy white men from Europe barged in.

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Copyright © Richard Carl Subber 2018 All rights reserved.


Book review: American Colonies

So many and so much

    came before the Pilgrims

by Alan Taylor

click here

Writing Rainbows: Poems for Grown-Ups with 59 free verse and haiku poems,
and the rest of my poetry books are for sale on Amazon (paperback and Kindle)
and free in Kindle Unlimited, search Amazon for “Richard Carl Subber”

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Book review: Who Built America?

Book review: Who Built America?

…men who brought

    their own shovels to work…



Book review:

Who Built America?

Working People

   and the Nation’s Economy,

   Politics, Culture, and Society,

   Vol. 1 To 1877


by Christopher Clark and Nancy A. Hewitt

New York: Worth Publishers, 2000

721 pages, with a substantial Appendix and index


Who Built America? is a comprehensive, widely sourced reference work that tackles the story of the actual building of America and our cities, commerce/industries, and infrastructures.

Clark and Hewitt give full respect to the groups of people who labored to do so: native Americans, women and children, minorities, and immigrants are fully credited.

I think that a useful feature is the summary chronology and suggested complementary readings at the end of each chapter.

Who Built America? is a go-to reference for any serious student of American history.

Volume 2, covering the Reconstruction through the end of the 20th century, is an equally appealing component of this series published by the American Social History Project, City University of New York.

This 2000 edition of Who Built America? was written by Christopher Clark and Nancy A. Hewitt, based on the original edition written by Levine, Brier, Brundage, Countryman, Fennel, and Rediker.

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Book review. Copyright © Richard Carl Subber 2018 All rights reserved.



Book review: Forced Founders

by Woody Holton

The so-called “Founding Fathers”

weren’t the only ones

who helped to shape our independence…

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Writing Rainbows: Poems for Grown-Ups with 59 free verse and haiku poems,
and the rest of my poetry books are for sale on Amazon (paperback and Kindle)
and free in Kindle Unlimited, search Amazon for “Richard Carl Subber”


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Book review: Clotel, or The President’s Daughter

Book review: Clotel, or The President’s Daughter

”good people” owned slaves,

       think about that…



Book review:


or The President’s Daughter


by William Wells Brown (c1814-1884)

Introduction by Dr. Joan E. Cashin

M. E. Sharpe, Inc., Armonk, New York, 1996

191 pages


This is a workmanlike treatment of a subject that is an all too imaginable foundation of early America: slavery.

It’s more a documentary than any modern understanding of a novel. Brown does a good job of character development for a limited cast of characters, including Clotel, the “mulatto” daughter of a black slave mother and a white father. This story of many aspects of slavery—disruption of families, cruelty of masters, the abolition movement, the economic importance of slave-based agriculture and production, the moral, philosophical and political debates about the “peculiar institution”—is written in a style that is manifestly journalistic and prosaic, not literary.

Slave Auction block wikimedia Green_Hill_Plantation,_Slave_Auction_Block,_State_Route_728,_Long_Island,_Campbell_County,_VA_HABS_VA,16-LONI.V,1J-2

Slave auction block in Virginia

Clotel is a high impact read. Brown was born a slave in Kentucky circa 1818. He escaped, became an abolitionist and a writer in England, and was purchased by friends and freed in the middle of the 19th century. He published Clotel in 1853 as the first “novel” written by a black American.

It’s harsh reading. It’s a terrible, candid condemnation of a despicable fact of American history. It’s a catalog of shame and endurance and human spirit.

You might know that the subtitle acknowledges Brown’s unabashed reference to the story, well known in the mid-19th century, that Thomas Jefferson dallied with his slave, Sally Hemings, and had children with her.

Here are a couple highlights:

Prof. Cashin notes: “Historians estimate that perhaps 10 percent of the four million slaves living in the South in 1860 had some white ancestry.”(1) Too many white owners forced themselves on their female slaves. In some parts of the South, a person with white lineage except for a black great-great-great-great grandmother could legally be sold as a slave.

Brown underscores the hypocrisy of slave owners who professed political, philosophical, or religious convictions that were nominally opposed to slavery. For example, Brown states that in the middle of the 19th century, more than 660,000 slaves were owned “by members of the Christian church in this pious democratic republic.”(2)

Slavery died hard.


(1) –  p. xiii

(2) –  p. 187

*   *   *   *   *   *

Book review. Copyright © Richard Carl Subber 2018 All rights reserved.



Book review:

Founding Mothers:

The Women Who Raised Our Nation

by Cokie Roberts

The Revolutionary War,

        as fought by women…

click here

As with another eye: Poems of exactitude with 55 free verse and haiku poems,
and the rest of my poetry books are for sale on Amazon (paperback and Kindle)
and free in Kindle Unlimited, search Amazon for “Richard Carl Subber”

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Thoughtful book reviews by Rick Subber

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Book review: John Eliot: The Man Who Loved The Indians

Book review: John Eliot: The Man Who Loved The Indians

…a conversational biography…



Book review:

John Eliot:

The Man Who Loved The Indians


by Carleton Beals

New York: Julian Messner, Inc., 1957

192 pages


This is an entertaining biography of the Puritan minister who was known during his lifetime (1604-1690) as the “Apostle to the Indians.” Rev. John Eliot was the colonial leader who was most influential in cooperating with Indian leaders to establish the “Praying Indian” towns in the Massachusetts Bay Colony.

Beals creates a fictionalized biography of convenient length. The narrative is filled with dialogue that is relevant to the story, but is, of course, completely inauthentic in the sense that there is only a fragmentary record of Eliot’s conversations with his fellow colonials and with American Indians. This isn’t a big deal. However, Beals’ conversational tone is not to my taste for serious biographical treatments.

John Eliot: The Man Who Loved The Indians is based on substantial research and offers a bibliography of 46 sources, including many that are well respected and well known to historians and students of the colonial period. There is a useful index.

Beals offers an appealing, if one-sided, complement to serious investigation of cultural and political dynamics in 17th century New England.

Caveat: Beals, without apology, writes his story within the European context. To be sure, Waban and the other Indians are characters in the story.

Beals doesn’t spend a lot of time on the brutality of their demise.

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Book review. Copyright © Richard Carl Subber 2018 All rights reserved.


Book review: The Reader (Der Vorleser)

Not just a rehash of WWII…

by Bernhard Schlink

click here

As with another eye: Poems of exactitude with 55 free verse and haiku poems,
and the rest of my poetry books are for sale on Amazon (paperback and Kindle)
and free in Kindle Unlimited, search Amazon for “Richard Carl Subber”

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