Book review: Harriet Beecher Stowe: A Spiritual Life

Book review: Harriet Beecher Stowe: A Spiritual Life

a zealous missionary

           without portfolio…



Book review:

Harriet Beecher Stowe:

A Spiritual Life


by Nancy Koester

William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, Grand Rapids, MI, 2014

371 pages, with index


A Spiritual Life is a robust telling of the story of Harriet Beecher Stowe.

From the first page to the last, you can’t doubt that Stowe cared deeply about most aspects of private life, her faith, and the all-encompassing religious framework of the civitas. As a woman in the mid-19th century, she was a zealous missionary without portfolio.

No surprise here, Koester gives comprehensive analysis of the writing and impact of Uncle Tom’s Cabin (published 1852). It was a best-seller in the United States and in Great Britain. It moved multitudes to hate slavery or hate Harriet Beecher Stowe. It did not, despite President Lincoln’s mocking jest when he met Stowe at the White House, start “this great war.” During the run-up to the American Civil War, Uncle Tom’s Cabin did help to clarify existing polemical doctrines of opposing camps.

Koester’s aim is to illuminate Stowe’s spiritual life and her very public commitment to advocating her faith and the importance of religious observance and conviction.

If that’s not to your taste, I think reading A Spiritual Life will be drudgery. For me, it was illuminating.

For my taste, Koester mentions but does not usefully detail the context of other aspects of Stowe’s life and impact on American society. She was a woman who conspicuously did not abide by the social conventions that dictated a passive, private, familial role for women. She wrote and was published extensively (I was surprised to learn that she was a prolific writer, including novels, tracts and political broadsides). She had lots of contact with the great and near-great, including President Lincoln and Queen Victoria. Stowe more or less supported her extended family with her writing—it would be interesting to know how much money she made from her writing, because Stowe persisted in a socially risky career and lifestyle that might have been unattainable without a (relatively) high income. I suspect that Stowe was not one of the 99% in her time.

Koester nobly attempts to make her case that Harriet Beecher Stowe was a mover and shaker, non pareil, in the anti-slavery movement before, during and after the Civil War. I suggest that this is a circumstantial biography of a notable lady who was notably revered—and notably tolerated—by a great many of her contemporaries.

If the South actually had won the Civil War, I think it’s possible that Uncle Tom’s Cabin, and Harriet Beecher Stowe, would be more than a tad less familiar to us.

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Book review. Copyright © Richard Carl Subber 2018 All rights reserved.



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Book review: Poetry as Insurgent Art

Book review: Poetry as Insurgent Art

brains falling out,

and stuff…



Book review:

Poetry as Insurgent Art


by Lawrence Monsanto Ferlinghetti (1919-2021)

American poet, painter, Socialist activist


I’m ignoring the Socialist activist thing in Ferlinghetti’s past. It’s really old news and it’s dull news—socialism isn’t and never was a clear and present danger in America, because the debilitating capitalist mentality and reality is entrenched.

Moving on to Ferlinghetti’s poetry: I confess I haven’t read a lot of it. I tried his Poetry as Insurgent Art (2007) and it didn’t leave me panting for more.

Much of Insurgent Art is a collection of one-liners, like “If you have nothing to say, don’t say it” and “Come out of your closet. It’s dark in there.”


My takeaway from Poetry as Insurgent Art is that Ferlinghetti was in love with his own careless spontaneity.

I certainly acknowledge that some readers may view this work as the outpouring of a driven great spirit. Different strokes…

I think it is the slough of a generous but disconnected artist’s talent with words.

Ferlinghetti said “Don’t be so open-minded that your brains fall out.” Them’s words to live by, I guess…

Here’s my advice to folks who want to imitate M. Ferlinghetti:

Don’t be so open-minded that there’s nothing you won’t write.

Poetry as Insurgent Art is much too ordinary to be insurgent.

Take it from Walt Whitman,

you need a bit of “barbaric yawp” to do insurgent poetry.

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Book review. Copyright © Richard Carl Subber 2018 All rights reserved.


My first name was rain: A dreamery of poems with 53 free verse and haiku poems,
and the rest of my poetry books are for sale on Amazon (paperback and Kindle)
and free in Kindle Unlimited, search Amazon for “Richard Carl Subber”

Book review: “Bartleby, the Scrivener”

Loneliness beyond understanding…

by Herman Melville

click here


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Book review: A Cold Welcome

Book review: A Cold Welcome

not even cold comfort…



Book review:

A Cold Welcome:

The Little Ice Age

and Europe’s Encounter

   with North America


by Sam White

Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2017

361 pages


Welcome this one: it’s a new take on the colonial history of America.

White’s focus is on the repeated attempts and repeated failures (mostly) of the Spanish, French, and English governments and rich entrepreneurs to establish survivable colonies on the North American continent up to and through the 16th century.

There’s a new bad guy in the story: cold weather, aka the Little Ice Age.

A Cold Welcome, indeed.

Conventionally, the Little Ice Age is a well-researched period of global cooling that ended about 1850, and began as early as the 14th century, and no later than the 16th century.

European explorers and colonists believed, and were encouraged to believe, that they could expect European, even Mediterranean temperatures and weather in the so-called New World.

They were disastrously wrong time after time. Sam White proposes that Indian resistance, bad luck, poor planning, and freak bad weather were not the only reasons that so many colonial enterprises failed before 1600.

A Cold Welcome explains that there is ample modern scientific evidence, and persistent references in the primary source texts, to verify that the inhospitable cold weather killed crops, animals, and the colonists themselves. In 1541 a Spanish adventurer in what is now Arkansas recorded: “There were such great snows and cold weather that we thought we were dead men.”

The killing cold devastated the indigenous Americans, as well.

There was no place to get in out of the cold.

*   *   *   *   *

Book review. Copyright © Richard Carl Subber 2018 All rights reserved.


Seeing far: Selected poems with 47 free verse and haiku poems,
and the rest of my poetry books are for sale on Amazon (paperback and Kindle)
and free in Kindle Unlimited, search Amazon for “Richard Carl Subber”

Book review: Waterloo

The slightly Hollywood bravery

        of Richard Sharpe,

the butcher’s work done at the battle…

by Bernard Cornwell

click here

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Book review: Spoon River Anthology

Book review: Spoon River Anthology

…or grab a flashlight…



Book review:

Spoon River Anthology


by Edgar Lee Masters (1868-1950)

New York: The Macmillan Company, c1914-1944, publ. 1967

306 pages


The reputation of Spoon River Anthology is indisputable.

The reality is a matter for each reader.

This is an exotic but deadened miscellany that tirelessly revisits a few themes. I won’t say there’s no inspiration, but you need a miner’s headlamp to find it here and there.

Many of the folks who are pushing up daisies near the Spoon River just weren’t really terribly interesting people when they were alive.

*   *   *   *   *

Book review. Copyright © Richard Carl Subber 2018 All rights reserved.

My first name was rain: A dreamery of poems with 53 free verse and haiku poems,
and the rest of my poetry books are for sale on Amazon (paperback and Kindle)
and free in Kindle Unlimited, search Amazon for “Richard Carl Subber”


You’re down to one piece of bread…

…would you share it with anybody?

Book review:

Tribe: On Homecoming and Belonging

by Sebastian Junger

click here

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The moor, and more…

The moor, and more…

…a new learning…



A soft foot


As with another eye

   I see the moor,

its quiet folds

   that need no glance from me,

its hues of earth and sky

   so naturally disposed.


I step with care,

I stand long moments there

   to feel the reverence of being

      and the pleasure of my spirit

      stepping free of me

and leaving unfamiliar stillness

   in my heart

   and in my mind,

a new learning.


I will walk this moor again,

   and fill myself again with calming joys.


November 9, 2016

“A soft foot” was published January 23, 2018, in my second collection of 47 poems, Seeing far: Selected poems, now for sale on Amazon (paperback and Kindle), or free in Kindle Unlimited, search Amazon for “Richard Carl Subber”

Inspired by “The Moor” by the Welsh poet R. S. Thomas (1913-2000). Thomas recounted his passage on the moor—“…I entered it on soft foot…”—when he felt a “…stillness of the heart’s passions…” I imagined a respectful conception of a quiet moor, and a quiet time of solitary exploration and a gift of harmonious perceptions. I was not disappointed. I walked the walk.

*   *   *   *   *   *

My poetry. Copyright © Richard Carl Subber 2018 All rights reserved.

As with another eye: Poems of exactitude with 55 free verse and haiku poems,
and the rest of my poetry books are for sale on Amazon (paperback and Kindle)
and free in Kindle Unlimited, search Amazon for “Richard Carl Subber”

The “dime novels” in the Civil War

Think “blood-and-thunder”…

click here


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